Leaving feedback is a great way to rate your buying experience with a seller on Donnate. Your feedback is important because it can help other buyers decide whether to buy from the seller.
Every time you buy something on Donnate, you can leave feedback about your experience. You can rate the transaction, and you can also add a comment about your experience.
If you’ve had an issue with your order, we recommend contacting the seller before you leave negative feedback. Positive reviews and feedback motivate sellers to make more donations, so they’re usually happy to work with you to resolve your issue.
While feedback is intended as an open forum, we have guidelines and policies in place to ensure it’s used constructively and fairly.
How do I leave feedback?
After an order is completed, you can leave feedback for your order. We’ll also send you a notification reminding you to leave feedback for the seller.
- Select the order you want to leave feedback on the Purchases and Orders page
- Select give feedback at the bottom of the page
- Select an overall feedback rating, from 5 to 1, with 5 being the highest and 1 being the lowest rating.
- Write a comment about your experience
When can I leave feedback?
You have up to 90 days from when the order is completed to leave feedback for the seller.
Why should I leave feedback?
By leaving feedback for a seller, you’re telling them what you think and letting other buyers know about your experience. Your feedback combines with others’ to build a rich base of knowledge to help you find the best sellers every time you shop.
How can I see a seller’s feedback score?
When you look at a listing, you’ll find the seller’s feedback score beneath their username. For example, if a seller has 4.5 stars, it means that buyers gave on average 4.5 stars to the seller, from 1 to 5, with 1 being the lowest and 5 the highest. Next to the stars, you will see the total amount of feedback left for the seller.
Find out more about Seller ratings.
What happens if I leave negative feedback?
Negative feedback becomes a permanent part of a seller’s record and can harm their reputation. If possible, you should try to get in contact with the seller to resolve any transaction issues before you leave negative feedback.
If you do decide to leave negative feedback, make sure it’s fair and factual and relates specifically to the transaction.
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